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My Teeth Are Sensitive After a Filling

July 29, 2021 | Compassionate Dentistry

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity After a Dental Filling?

It is not uncommon to develop some sensitivity after a tooth has been filled. In some cases, sensitivity can even grow into pain. If you experience sensitivity in a tooth that has had a dental filling, this is not always cause for concern.

Some common reasons for tooth sensitivity after getting fillings include:


  • The filling is very large, allowing heat to be conducted from the tooth nerve causing irritation
  • A filling is placed very rapidly, stressing surrounding areas, and aggravating tissue in the tooth.
  • The filling is high and our periodontal ligaments may get struck by inflammation and tenderness as a consequence

The most common side effect of fillings is aggravated tooth nerves or short term teeth sensitivity. Sometimes treating tooth decay involves the inadvertent aggravation of the tooth nerve, similar to how you may feel after you have undergone a surgical procedure. Tissues can become inflamed, and nerves can become irritated, which you may feel more acutely after the anesthetic has worn off.


Although a dental filling procedure can result in nerves becoming irritated, most often, eventually this overstimulation should die down. It is not uncommon to experience some post-procedures sensitivity. However, if your tooth sensitivity does not fade away in time, or grows worse, contact your dentist right away.

How Long is Post-Filling Tooth Sensitivity Normal?

Medically reviewed information on Healthline and WebMD suggests that a normal range of time for teeth sensitivity following a filling lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. If your tooth remains sensitive for longer than 1 month, see your dentist immediately.

It's important to remember that, though uncomfortable, tooth sensitivity is a common type of problem that is not always due to tooth decay or permanent damage. In reality, most people will experience some degree of tooth sensitivity following a filling, even if their oral hygiene routine is perfect and they regularly visit the dentist. This can also be pronounced after you drink a cold beverage or bite down the wrong way. As your teeth adjust to their fillings, be patient and gentle with yourself. Also, consider some simple ways to desensitize your teeth as you recover.

Is There Pain Relief For Sensitive Teeth?

Most of the time tooth sensitivity after a filling is normal for up to 1 month. That said, there are many things you can do at home to help encourage the healing process:

  • Use Desensitizing Toothpaste
  • Rinse Gently With Lukewarm Salt Water (or whatever temperature is comfortable)
  • Swish With Coconut Oil
  • Avoid Acidic Foods
  • If You Grind Your Teeth, Consider A Dental Mouthguard
  • Try An Over-The-Counter Medicine Like Orajel Instant Pain Relief Cream

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